In the Name of Love

The phone rings. I answer.

“OMG!! Is this the alpaca farm?”a male asks breathlessly. “

Yes,” I answer.

“OMG, would you be willing to make me a hero?”

My mind starts to spin- how can I possibly make this unknown man a hero. He continues his story.

“My fiancée is obsessed with alpacas and if she turns up at the end of the aisle and their is an alpaca waiting with me- OMG, she will literally lose her mind. I would be the groom of the year!”

Me: “So, you want an alpaca in your wedding? You do know these animals spit and are not potty trained?”

Him:”the wedding is outdoors and no way they would spit at her because she - OMG- would you really do this?”

Me: “yes.”

Him: “you are hired!”

Fast forward two months and many conversations later, and I am standing at the end of a flower strewn aisle with two alpacas on a leash and an unsuspecting bride has just arrived in a limo. She and her dad walk across the street. She enters under the arch and she catches sight of her husband to be and then - she sees the alpacas. I wish I could adequately describe what happened next. She skipped down that aisle with eyes full of love- and a sideways glance at her husband to be every now and then. The clergymen announced what was going on to the crowd, and she and her fiancée and the alpacas spent a few of the sweetest minutes together, and then they got married.

In the course of the wedding we learned she was from Peru and alpacas has been part of her life growing up. She had not been home in many years. The alpacas were his way of bringing a piece of home to her on this special day.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the alpacas were invited for the reception and they were in all the photos. My guess is he got to be her hero- and the alpacas had nothing to do with it!

Faith Mayer