Chippy Lives On

Mmama llama had a chipmunk that kept her company through the fence after her lifetime companion- Dusk- passed last summer. I discovered the relationship when I realized about a cup of her grain went missing everyday. I watched one morning to see if I could figure it out. She would purposely push kernels of grain out onto the grass. As I continued to watch, I saw the small little guy emerge, stuff his cheeks and scuttle away. It was so sweet! Sweeter still- when mmama starter to show signs of failure and sat more than she stood, I would often find the chipmunk sitting with her. Yesterday, after she passed, when I went over to clean the pen and say my final goodbyes, chippy shadowed me. He was distant and did his best to hide, but he was there. I like to believe chippy knew his friend had moved on. This morning- out of habit- I went over to greet mmama llama and give her a handful of grain. Chippy was waiting for me. He now lives in the grain room. He will likely bring friends, but a bag of grain seems a small price to pay for honoring a life. I like to think being close to her space does his heart good.

Faith Mayer