Beauty in the Chaos

What a glorious season it has been! The light, the weather, the constantly changing leaves, and although I know these are trying times for many, I cannot help but think of the many blessings we have seen through this time. Praise to all that is holy all those whom I love and those they love, have remained healthy. I have been permitted “bonus” time with my children who have returned to the nest for various reasons at different times. This past week all four landed here in the same week! My husband has come to call it “living on borrowed time with the babies,” and who can be upset about that?! In this world, where we all seem to be so caught up in us vs. them, it has been a blessing to take a step back and truly listen. I hear so many say, “hate has no home here” and then I hear or read them spewing hate because someone said something they don’t believe or agree with 100%. Now seems like a perfect time to engage in discourse with those on the “other” side. You will be amazed what you discover about what makes people tick. One thing I know for sure, is no one lives in a vacuum and all stones thrown create ripples. I am choosing to listen more, argue less, enjoy the many blessings bestowed upon me and spend more time in the woods - with alpacas- feel free to join me.

Faith Mayer